Do You Need To Be Worried If You Lose Your Safety Deposit Box Key?
Ensure your family is prepared for all life moments and emergencies with Trustworthy. Trustworthy is the leading Family Operating System designed to protect, optimize, and organize all of your important information. Never lose your safety deposit box key again.
I’ll even get into specifics with all the major banks and their protocols. In this article, I’m going to break down exactly what to do if you’ve lost your safety deposit box key. Some banks can also give you a replacement key you can use if you don’t need to access your box right away. They will likely need to drill into the lock so you can access your goods. When you lose the key to your safety deposit box, you’ll need to contact your bank as soon as possible. So, what do you do if you’ve lost the key to your safety deposit box? Whether your keys were lost or stolen, there are a few ways you can access your box and protect the valuables inside. If you’ve lost your safety deposit box, you’ve come to the right place.